
The gymnasium is completely equipped with a full-sized basketball court, stage, women's and men's locker rooms complete with showers, and a fully-stocked fitness center. The facility is open to the community and hosts a variety of events, special events, fitness classes, and regular weekly programming with the Education Division.


Any person wanting to use the gymnasium, fitness center, or participate in any Recreation Department activity must have a General Use Agreement Form on file. This form will be used in emergency situations to provide recreation staff with emergency contacts and medical history information. This information will be kept strictly confidential. Once a General Use Agreement Form as been filled out, signed, and turned into the Recreation Coordinator, it will be valid for a period of two years.


Anyone who would like to reserve the gymnasium for an event must fill out, sign, and return the Tribal Gym User Agreement to the Recreation Coordinator for approval. The request will be reviewed, and the person listed on the form will be contacted within five business days. In order to reserve the gymnasium, requests must be submitted no less than one week prior to the event, except for extenuating circumstances. Approval is based upon availability and at the sole discretion of the Recreation Coordinator. All cancellations must be made within 24 hours of the event.