
Address: 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347  |  Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm  |  Phone: 503-879-5211

The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Finance Division is responsible for monitoring the financial management and accounting practices of the Tribe and Tribal entities.

This is done by developing relationships with other governmental agencies, banks and lending institutions, investment managers, and insurers. All aspects relating to budget, technology, insurance, purchasing, investments, and accounting are found within the Finance Division.

Tribal Member Loan Program

7/15/24 10am Update:

Tribal Member Loan Program is now closed.  

Tribal Council approved the Tribal Member Loan Program for Tribal members to obtain a loan for personal reasons starting March 8th, 2021. Loans will be issued in any amount up to $3,000.00. Tribal members must complete and submit a loan application to the Finance Department. The Finance Department will time and date stamp the applications upon submission and provide a copy to the applicant. Loans will be processed on a first come first serve basis. Loans are subject to available funding.

Per Capita Distribution

The Revenue Allocation Plan provides that Tribal Council, at its sole discretion, may authorize Per Capita payments in an equal amount to Tribal members on certain distribution dates. For legally competent members over the age of eighteen (18), any distributed funds are paid directly to the member.

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Minors Trust Funds

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The Accounting Department was created by Ordinance to account for all financial resources and other assets of the Tribe in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). All resources over which the Tribal Council exercises any form of governmental, fiduciary or agency responsibility are accounted for in Tribal accounting records.

Budget Treasury

The Budget & Treasury department manages the Tribal operating budget. The department also provides financial management and reporting of Federal and State grants and self governance program revenues and expenditures. The Treasury and Investment functions ensure all government and fiduciary funds maintain optimum bank and fund balances and are accounted for according to investment policies established by Tribal Council.


The Procurement Department was created by Ordinance to operate as the central purchasing and contracting office for all Goods and Services purchased, leased or otherwise procured by the Tribe.