8th Grade Curriculum

Tribal History Curriculum 

Curriculum Specialist - Cheyanne Heidt |Phone: 503-879-2144 |Email: Cheyanne.Heidt@grandronde.org | Social Media Links

Welcome to the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde 8th Grade Tribal History Curriculum. 


To begin, we would like to thank you for taking the time to learn and teach about the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. This curriculum was brought about by the need in Oregon schools for historically accurate and culturally relevant curriculum about Oregon Native Americans and as a response to countless requests from Oregon teachers for classroom-ready materials on Native Americans.

The process of creating the curriculum was a tribal wide effort. Several departments including the tribe’s education department, tribal library, natural resources, cultural resources department and many other tribal staff were involved. The curriculum comprises numerous topics that span social studies, math, science and language arts; and each lesson aligns with the Common Core State Standards.

Each lesson is designed to stand alone and includes activities such as story writing, fiction and non-fiction reading, compare and contrast, presentations, mapping, investigation and much more. Lessons were created by keeping diverse student learning styles in mind. Teachers can easily adapt lessons to fit the needs of their classrooms and student learning styles. We encourage teachers to preview each lesson and adjust it so that it fits the students they are serving, while keeping the content intact.

If there is a need or desire to modify any piece of the curriculum, please reach out to our Curriculum Specialist Cheyanne Heidt, cheyanne.heidt@grandronde.org, for assistance with this task.