The Tribe’s General Council Ordinance establishes a process for advisory votes. This survey is being conducted to gather advisory vote suggestions from our members.
A) The Tribal Council will facilitate community meetings to seek input from the General Council on possible advisory vote topics. The community meetings will be held in Portland, Eugene, and Grand Ronde following scheduled General Council meetings.
B) Additionally, any General Council member may, at any time, submit a request in writing to Tribal Council to conduct an advisory vote. Any such request must include the proposed question(s) the member would like the General Council to answer. The question must be stated in such a way that it has a" yes" or" no" answer.
C) In determining whether to proceed with the requested advisory vote, Tribal Council will evaluate the request using the following criteria: i) The number of Tribal members potentially affected; ii) The impact on Tribal financial resources, including the potential impact on the Tribe’s budget; iii) Consistency with the Tribe’s Constitution, Tribal and other applicable law; iv) Tribal traditions and culture; and v) Furtherance the Tribe’s goal of self-sufficiency.
Past examples include...
Should the Tribe increase our investment in environmental stewardship?
Should the Tribe consider building a walking path to the Casino from Grand Meadows?
Should the Tribe evaluate establishing a childcare center in Grand Ronde?