Full Time College Program

Higher Education

Phone: 503-879-2275 |  Highereducation@grandronde.org| Facebook |Newsletter| Contact List

This program provides funding to Grand Ronde Tribal members pursuing an Vocational Degree or Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, or Graduate Degree on a full time basis from a nonprofit regionally accredited institution. All educational institutions are subject to review and approval by the Education Division prior to providing funding.

Funding will be distributed in equal increments based upon the attendance as follows:

Vocational/Technical College/Institute or Community College

  • Term System $2,400 maximum funding level per term.
  • Semester System $3,600 maximum funding level per semester.

4 Year College or University

  • Term System $4,000 maximum funding level per term.
  • Semester System $6,000 maximum funding level per semester.

Graduate School

  • Term System $6,000 maximum funding level per term.
  • Semester System $9,000 maximum funding level per semester

Students are required to apply for Federal Financial Aid by completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can find the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.gov. Students who have applied for and been approved for Tribal funding will not have to reapply each year, but will need to complete the FASFA each year and provide the Education Division with a copy of their Student Aid Report (SAR). Students are also required to submit a copy of their class schedule at the beginning of each term/semester, and a copy of their grade report at the conclusion of each term/semester. Students are now required to apply for at least one outside scholarship and provide verification that they have met this requirement.

Students who receive funding through this program are required to meet the minimum academic standards of receiving at least a 2.0 GPA per term/semester and maintain full time status of earning at least 12 credit hours for undergraduate and 9 credit hours for graduate students. If a student fails to meet the academic requirements, they will be placed on academic probation for their next term/semester of attendance. If a Student fails to meet the minimum academic requirements for their next term of attendance they will be suspended from the program and will not be eligible to receive any additional funding. Students are required to complete one term at full time status at their own expense prior to requesting reinstatement into the program.

A completed application must be received by the Education Division at least 30 days before the beginning of the term/semester for which the student wishes to attend.

Please click to download and print Policies, Application and Forms

For more information on the Full Time College program or to have an application sent to you contact Melissa Palanuk at 503-879-1345 or by email at melissa.palanuk@grandronde.org