Click here to view the 2022 voters list
Constitutional Amendment Passes
We’re excited to announce that the Tribe’s Constitutional Amendment to ban disenrollment except in the cases of fraud and dual enrollment has passed with a yes vote of 75.99%. Out of the 679 votes cast, 516 voted yes (75.99%) and 163 voted no (24.01%). These results are unofficial and will become final once the challenge window has passed.
View the posted election results here.
Election Update:
Missing your ballot? Contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs at:
Greg Norton, BIA Tribal Government Special Elections Board Chair
Phone: 971-803-1409 Cell | 503-231-6723 Office
Executive Summary
On March 23, 2022 Tribal Council approved an Authorization to Proceed, to move forward with a Constitutional amendment to amend Article V – Membership of the Constitution Section 5. After approval, the Tribe’s Legal Department worked closely with the Bureau of Indian Affairs on approval of the proposed language and has since worked with Tribal Council, Tribal staff, and the Election Board to call for the election.
Constitutional Amendment Powerpoint
Constitutional Amendment Language
Sec. 5.
Loss of Membership. The Tribal Council shall by ordinance prescribe rules and regulations governing involuntary loss of membership. The reasons for such loss shall be limited exclusively to failure to meet the requirements set forth for membership in this Constitution;:
(a) Fraud. Any person who was enrolled as a result of fraud.
(b) Dual Enrollment. Any member who is enrolled as a member in any other federally recognized Indian tribe.
provided, that nNothing in this section shall prohibit a member from voluntarily relinquishing membership in the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, with the consent of the Tribal Council.
Constitutional Amendment Educational Meetings
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Constitutional amendment election process update (zoom) – 5PM
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Constitutional amendment election process (zoom) – 5PM
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Educational meeting (hybrid / Portland) – 5:30PM
Location: Portland State University; Native American Student & Community Center Room 110
710 SW Jackson Portland, OR 97201
Online: Register in advance for this meeting at
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Educational meeting (hybrid / Grand Ronde) – 5:30PM
Location: Governance Center – Tribal Council Chambers
Online: Register in advance for this meeting at
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Educational meeting (hybrid / Salem) - 4:00PM
Location: Salem Public Library-Anderson A
585 Liberty Street SE; Salem OR
* Library closes at 7:00PM
Online: Register in advance for this meeting at
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Educational meeting (hybrid / Grand Ronde) - 5:30PM
Location: Governance Center – Tribal Council Chambers
Online: Register in advance for this meeting at
Constitutional Amendment Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many people must register for the election?
A: There is no minimum number of registered voters required.
Q: How many votes does it take to pass the Amendment?
A:2/3 of the members who have registered to vote, must vote in favor of the Amendment for it to pass.
Q: How many registered voters must vote?
A: 30% of the qualified voters must vote for the election to be valid.
Q: I haven’t received my ballot yet; what should I do?
A: Contact Greg Norton, the Election Board Chair as soon as possible. His contact information is:
Greg Norton, BIA Tribal Government Special Elections Board Chair
Cell: 971-803-1409 | Office Phone: 503-231-6723
Q: Does this amendment conflict with the membership requirement provision of the Constitution, and will the BIA have an issue with it?
A: This provision applies after someone becomes a member, while the membership requirements apply at the time of enrollment. The BIA has already reviewed this language and did not express any concerns with it.
Q: What is the definition of Fraud?
A: Fraud is an intentional misrepresentation of the facts relevant to enrollment during the enrollment process.
Q: Who has been hired to work in the Enrollment member files?
A: No one was hired to work just in Enrollment member files, however, Enrollment Staff does work to research and correct files when they find errors during any enrollment processes.
Q: When was the auditing of the files in this manner authorized? What was the scope of the Audit? Was the audit of Enrollment Members files brought to the attention of the Tribal members before it was even started? Was the Auditing of Enrollment Members files approved to proceed by Resolution?
A: There is no audit of files, however, errors are consistently being discovered during regular enrollment processes.
Q: How can anyone actually determine accurate blood quantum that was listed differently in various Grand Ronde Reservation Federal Indian Census Rolls before Restoration?
A: The Tribe recognizes that the Census records are not consistent. We do currently have a genealogist working in Enrollment with the skills to trace families back multiple generations. However, these type of record issues is some of the reasons we have the current issues with our files.
Q: Why is Tribal Council not addressing the removal of the Parent on the Roll at birth requirement?
A: Tribal Council did hear this concern during the Community Input Meetings on Enrollment. This requirement is one that will be addressed when the Tribe moves forward with a Constitutional Amendment for Lineal Dependency or a 4/4 change.
Q: Will there be a process established to deal with Fraud?
A: Yes. This process will be outlined in the Enrollment Ordinance.
Q: How many challenged the voter registration list?
A: There were 19 challenges to the voter registration list. None of the challenges were successful.
September 12, 2022
The Tribe submitted the request for the election; the election was then authorized by the BIA
September 15, 2022
The first board meeting was held by the election board
September 23, 2022
Packets and registration forms mailed out to all eligible members. Registration packets must be returned to New Mexico.
October 4, 2022
Registration deadline and voting list posted. Registration packets are due in New Mexico by this date.
October 7, 2022
Voter list challenge deadline
October 10, 2022
Ballots mailed to all registered voters.
November 2, 2022
Election day – Completed ballots must be received by the Grand Ronde post office by 12:00PM PDT on this date.
November 7, 2022
Election challenge deadline